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成語:道聽塗(途)說( DAO TING TU SHUO): Unsubstantiated gossip heard on the street; just a rumor; information heard on the streets without any evidence; hearsay evidence; nonsense information; information got from chitchat; what they heard is insufficient credit.
故事:春秋時代,有人名艾子者,有一天剛從楚國回到齊國。毛空先生告訴他說,“有一個人家,養了一隻鴨子,一次生一百個蛋。”艾子不相信,說道,“哪有這種事!”毛空改口說,“那末,是兩隻鴨子生的蛋。”艾子說,“也不會有這樣的事。”毛空又改口說,“那末是三隻鴨子生的。”後來,毛空見艾子一直不相信他所說的,就一次又一次地把鴨子數目加到10. 艾子問他,“你為何不減少蛋的數目呢?”毛空說,“我寧願增加鴨子的隻數,也不減少蛋的數目。”艾子只好不說話了。毛空卻接著說,“上個月天上掉下來一塊肉,有三十丈長,十丈寬。”艾子說, “沒有這種事。”毛空改口說,“那末就是20丈長。”艾子仍然說沒有這個道理。毛空又口說十丈。艾子忍不住了,問他,“你親眼看到世界上有三十丈長,十丈寬的肉嗎?”接著又問,“你剛才說的鴨子是哪一家的?那塊肉又掉在什麼地方?”這時毛空只好誠實的回答,“我是聽別人說的。”艾子馬上轉過臉對其徒弟說,“你們可不要像他這樣 ‘道聽途說’啊! ”
用法:1943年,台灣少尉醫官張三對李四說,“我們就要發美金了。”李四說,“那只是‘ 道聽途說’而已,錢拿到手才算數。”結果,是空穴來風,沒那回事。
故事英譯:During the Era of Spring and Autumn, there was a man named Ai Zi who just returned to Qi State from Chu State, and Mr. Mao Kong told him a strange thing, said, “A duck of a family delivered one hundred of eggs once.” Ai Zi didn’t believe it and asked, “How can it have such thing in the world?” Mao Kong changed his saying, “Well, they produced by two ducks.” Ai Zi said, “It’s still impossible.” Mao Kong changed his saying once more and said, “Ok, they were born by three ducks.” Mao Kong increased continuously the number of the ducks till to ten,because that Ai Zi was still did not believe what he told. Ai Zi asked “why don’t you reduce the number of the eggs?” “I rather increase the number of the ducks,” Mao Kong insisted,” than to reduce the number of the eggs.” Ai Zi could not but keep silent. However Mao Kong said again,” Last month, a piece of meat was dropped down from out of the blue, its size was measured 10 meters long and 3 meters wide. “Ai Zi said, “There is no such thing.” Mao Kong changed his words, “It was 6 meters long.” Ai Zi still refused to believe it. Then Mao Kong changed his saying again that it was 3 meter long. Ai Zi didn’t tolerate any more with Mao Kong’s nonsense. “Have you really seen a piece of meat which was 10 meters long, 3 meters wide?” And asked again, “In which family did the ducks were raised that you just mentioned? And in which family did the meat was dropped to?” Now, Mao Kong replied honestly, “That was heard by me from others.” Ai Zi turned his face at once and said to his disciples, “You should not be like Mao Kong and spread unsubstantiated gossips heard on the street.”
